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Permanent International Calendar

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In Modern world, we are using Gregorian Calendar as the International Standard Calendar. In Gregorian calendar, every month has variable in length (28,29, 30 and 31 Days). A Perennial and Perpetual Calendar is needed in current world for scheduling purpose. The new calendar is introduced with these advantages.  


       This calendar follows the common era. The leap year rule is not changed by this calendar. A Tropical year has 365.2425 days long which completes in 400 year cycles. If we divide the year into 12 months, then a solar month has the average length of 30.436875 (30.41666 in Normal Year and 30.5 in Leap year). The New concept is introduced (Already proposed as International Fixed Calendar) with 13 months instead of 12 months. If we divide the year into 13 months, the solar month has the average length of 28.095577 days (28.077 in Normal year and 28.1538 in Leap year). The average is nearest to the integer 28. Also 28 days will be evenly distributed as 4 weeks as February Month. So we make the calendar with 13 months distributed with 28 days each.

Error = 365.2425 – 364 [13×28] = 1.2425 Days.

The error days are added in the end of second month to align with existing Gregorian calendar. Second month has 29 days in Normal and 30 Days In Leap Year.

Maximum Days = 28 (All months except 2), 29 (If M==2, Year is Normal), 30 (If M==2, Year is Leap)


       The months with 28 days will approximate the length of sidereal month (27.32166 Days), Tropical Month (27.32158 Days), Anamolistic Month (27.21222 Days) and Draconic Month (27.55455 Days). Second month is the approximation of synodic month 29/30 days(29.53059 Days).

Proposal 1:

The months will be retained as in the Gregorian. To honor the Pope Gregory (founder of Gregorian calendar), The new month with name of ‘Gregory’ is added between June and July. In this calendar February has 29 days in Normal and 30 days in Leap. In


calendar, February is the smallest month among others. In this COIN, February is the largest month among others.

Proposal 2:

In English, 26 alphabets forms the words. These 26 alphabets will place in 13 months (26/2=13). Month names are formed using the alphabets starting from A and Ending to Z.

***This is the Only Calendar of Months with 26 Alphabets***

Proposal 3:

       In Modern Zodiac,13 constellations are used as months instead of 12 traditional constellations.



       COIN dates are permanently aligned with Existing Gregorian Calendar Dates except two dates. Third month in COIN starts in Feb 27 in Normal Year and Feb 28 in Leap year.

COIN Gregorian Date in Normal YearGregorian Date in Leap Year
Feb 27CIP 1BEO 30
Feb 28CIP 2 CIP 1
Feb 29— CIP 2


       Currently we are using 7 day weeks in all type of calendars. Only names are changed. This 7 week dates are not exactly fit in 365 days and 366 days calendar. Weekdays are formed using the names of Sun, Moon and other planets. But they left the planets which are recently identified, Uranus and Neptune. So we introduce special weekdays in the end of second month to align the dates with weekdays permanently irrespective of months and years. So the calendar will be perpetual.

       Uranus Day or URAN day is assigned to the 29th day of second month (Feb 26 in all years). to honor the Planet of Uranus. This weekday makes the calendar year starts first day in Sunday Always.

       Neptuden Day or Nepday is assigned to the 30th day of second month (Feb 27 in Leap year) to honor the planet of Neptune. This weekday comes only in leap years. This day makes the calendar year perpetual during leap days.

A year = 52 Weeks + 1 Uranday (Normal Year)

A Year = 52 Weeks + 1 Uran day + 1 Nepday

       New year day and Christmas comes in Sundays. But in gregorian Calendar, These days may be comes in middle of the week to be celebrated in holidays. If we keep these days in sundays, additional holidays will be missing. To compensate these two days, Uranday and Nepday will be made holidays.


1. This calendar is perpetual. Single calendar is enough for all months and all years.       

2. Weekday identification is very simple. Date is enough to identify the weekday of the date in any month and year.

3. Day to Day Calculation is very simple. we define serial date number which is the number from Jan 1.

Serial Date Number = 28*(M-1) +D + U +N 

where, M=Month, D= Date U = 0 (M<=2), U=1 (M>2), N=0 for Normal Year, N=1 for Leap Year and M>2

Difference = 365*(Y2-Y1) + 28(M2-M1) + (D2-D1) + U + N

U = No of Uran Days, N = No of Leap Days / Nepdays in the period

4. Scheduling is easier compared to Gregorian calendar. Simple mathematical formula is needed.

5. Quarters can be equally divided(either 91 or 92 days.    First Quarter = ANU 1 – DEQ 6 = 91/92 Days    Second Quarter = DEQ 7 – GAT 13 = 91 Days    Third Quarter = GAT 14 – JOW 20 = 91 Days    Fourth Quarter = JOW 21 – MEZ 28 = 92 Days


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