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It is worth knowing the Reasons for getting infected even after taking two doses of Corona vaccine.

A second dose is to be taken 4 to 6 weeks (Covaxin) and 6 to 8 weeks (Covishield) after the first dose of a Corona vaccine.

Immediately after entering the body, the vaccine starts making antibodies. When antibodies are forming in our body, our IMMUNITY decreases, very much.

When we take another dose of vaccine after 4-6 Weeks/ 6-8 Weeks, our IMMUNITY Decreases even more at that time.

After 14 days of SECOND DOSE (4-6 Weeks/ 6-8 Weeks) antibodies are fully formed in our body, then our IMMUNITY starts increasing rapidly.

During this PERIOD, due to LOW IMMUNITY, the possibility of Corona virus entering our body is very high.

This leads to Corona infection.


So, it is very risky to go out of the house during this PERIOD, Even after taking two doses of vaccine, you can still become a victim of corona.

After half a month (from SECOND Shot)- 100 to 200 times IMMUNITY power is created in our body and only after that, you are safe.

There is a need to be careful and safe from the first dose to Two/Two and a half months…..

Hence, One Must wear masks

Get out of the house only if necessary. Take a bath with hot water.

Take special care of children and the elderly.

The African strain of this time catches the whole family together.

So, Stay alert and Safe for family’s sake.

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* If you want to defeat Corona, please do all this as much as possible. *

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* I request all of you that the transition of the Second wave of Corona demands more vigilance than before *

* The hospital is not getting space in Cities, all the identity money is not working at all! *

*Just and only myself Save, is the only solution. * — /// ———-

* All family members please note: *

* 01. There are no empty stomachs *

* 02. Do not fast *

* 03.Stay in the Sun for a while every day.

04. Do not use AC if you can *

05. Drink warm water, keep the throat wet *

* 06. Apply mustard oil to the nostrils*

* 07. Burn Camphor and Guggle in the house *

* 08 Use Half spoon dry ginger in every vegetable *

* 09. Use cinnamon *

* 10.Drink a cup of milk with Turmeric at night *

* 11. If possible, eat one spoon of Chavanprash *

* 12. Add Camphor and Cloves in the house for fumigation *

* 13.Put a clove in the morning tea *

* 14.Eat only more Oranges in fruits *

* 15. Eat Amla in any form, pickle, jam, powder, etc.

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* It is a prayer by folding hands, Send this information to those who know you, also. *

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* Turmeric in Milk will increase your body immunity.



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